How to Apply Numbing Effectively


Critical Information on How To Apply Numbing Effectively

When performing plasma lift treatments, it’s essential to understand that while most sessions are virtually pain-free, certain areas can be moderately uncomfortable for your clients. This is especially true for more sensitive regions, like the eyelids and lips.  Additionally, every client’s pain tolerance and sensitivity can vary.


The plasma device, with its super fine probes, allows you to work swiftly, minimizing any discomfort. During the procedure, regularly check in with your client. If they feel uncomfortable, pause the treatment and re-apply the numbing cream to the affected area. You can either switch to another region that’s already numbed or wait an additional 5 minutes for the numbing cream to fully take effect. Just 5 extra minutes can make all the difference.

Ask your client to take Paracetamol, such as Tylenol, Mapap, or Panado, about 1 hour before treatment to help alleviate any discomfort. It must be non-inflammatory tablets! This allows the skin to heal on its own without anti-inflammatory medication, promoting optimal collagen production. Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) or Tylenol is a non-inflammatory medication.

Important Considerations When Using Numbing Cream

  • Always store numbing creams at room temperature, keeping them away from moisture, light, and heat.
  • Be cautious: lidocaine is not suitable for clients with liver disease or those taking heart rhythm medications.
  • Never apply numbing cream to skin that is raw, blistered, or abraded.
  • Remind clients to avoid rubbing their eyes after applying numbing cream near the eye area.
  • Always use a mild formulation like Emla or something similar near the very rim of the eyes ( avoid stronger creams to prevent potential corneal burns).
  • For extra precaution, always use Artelac eye drops, or a similar product, before starting the treatment if you plan to work on the eye area.
  • Lidocaine typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to take effect and should only be applied to healthy skin—never on cuts or grazes.

Managing Side Effects and Safety After Applying Numbing Creams

  • Itching, tingling, pale skin with red spots, or mild swelling at the site of application are the most common minor side effects during and immediately after treatment.
  • If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, advise your client to contact a doctor.
  • Be aware that applying numbing cream to large areas all at once can lead to serious side effects, including irregular heartbeats, seizures, or slowed breathing.
  • Always follow safe application guidelines, especially when treating larger areas.

Symptoms Requiring Immediate Attention

If your client experiences any of the following, immediately remove the numbing cream and seek medical attention:

  • Severe itching, excessive burning, or wheezing.
  • Tightness in the chest or difficulty breathing.
  • Swelling of the mouth, lips, throat, or face.

"Rather numb areas in sections if working on larger areas".

Factors Affecting Numbing Efficacy

The following factors can influence how well a client numbs:

  • Heavy caffeine consumption before treatment.
  • Anxiety or stress before or during treatment, which increases cortisol levels.
  • Cold skin (clients with poor circulation).
  • Recent use of oil-based creams like body butter.
  • A slow metabolism or the use of certain medications.
  • Conditions like fibromyalgia may increase sensitivity and prolong healing time.

Practical Tips Specifically Using (Emla & F&E Numbing Creams)

  • Encourage clients to take Paracetamol, known as acetaminophen, which relieves mild-to-moderate pain, headache, and fever 1 hour before treatment. It is available as brand names such as Tylenol and Mapap, to reduce discomfort.
  • You have the option to pre-treat the skin with a light derma roll before applying numbing cream. 
  • Always use cling film to cover treated areas and remove it in stages as you work. 
  • Play calming music to help your client relax, as tension can reduce the numbing effect.
  • Numbing time should be between 45 to 60 minutes before starting treatment. 
  • Reapply numbing cream and extend the waiting time if necessary. Only 5 minutes extra can make a huge difference.

Numbing Agents

Local anesthetics approved by the Food and Drug Administration are commonly used by technicians. Many of these are available in over-the-counter strengths for use, such as:

  • Lidocaine, which numbs only the immediate area to be worked on and is mainly used for less invasive procedures. The most common numbing creams include F&E, Mithra, TKTX, Proaegis, Zensa, and EMLA.

NB! If you’re using EMLA numbing cream, be aware that it requires a relatively long application time to become effective.

I personally prefer to use EMLA numbing cream near the very rim of the eyes for safety reasons. For the rest of the eye area, as well as the face, neck, and body, I successfully use F&E, a stronger numbing cream.

Also note, that the numbing effect of EMLA wears off within 5 to 10 minutes after removing the cling film and wiping off the cream residue. As a result, the window for performing aesthetic treatments comfortably is relatively SHORT!!!!.

Other Numbing Products Include:

For stronger numbing, some practitioners use prescription creams containing 20% Lidocaine, 5% Prilocaine, or 5% Tetracaine. These formulations act quickly, and their numbing effects often last longer than over-the-counter products. These topical formulations can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription, making the medical practitioner responsible for ordering the product. The main benefit of using these formulations is that the desired numbing effect is achieved almost instantly. They are so effective that the client may only feel a tickling sensation when the electrical arc is applied. Within 5 to 10 minutes of application, the treated area becomes fully numb. There is no need to use cling film, as these stronger formulations work quickly to provide the necessary numbing effects.



Effective numbing is essential for ensuring a smooth Plasma Fibroblast experience for both you and your client. By taking the right precautions, monitoring your clients closely, and selecting the best numbing agent for their needs, you can ensure a comfortable and safe experience for you and your client.

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